

1) goals setting / targets
2) mindset change
3) plans to achieve
4) knowledges and skills
5) tasks executions
6) habits formations
7) habits monitoring
8) prioritize, focus and concentrate
9) setting deadlines
10) mindset siapkan tasks
11) self-accountability
12) rewards & punishments

warning : post nie panjang gila
tapi menjawab persoalan dengan details
how to achieve maximum productivity
biasanya kalau orang tanya saya soalan nie
saya jawab simple je :
“baca buku” or “study”
tapi bukan semua orang ada masa

saya compile
step by step
what you need to do to achieve
success and maximum productivity
ada 12 components
buat satu2 ikut steps

nie summary
dari beratus buku yang saya dah baca
dari beratus artikel yg saya dah baca
dari lectures2 and seminar2 yg saya dah dengar
saya compile semua dalam nie
moga bermanfaat

=== goals-setting ===

just list down what I want
think what I want
and kena buat list
wajib buat list tak kira handwritten or typed
tampal dekat tempat hari2 tengok
review everyday
buat sampai tercapai

goals setting are so easy to do
but so many people dont do it
they dont even know what they want
they dont write it down

ade goals, ade targets
basically same thing
cuma beza pada timeframes

-generally long term
-takes time to achieve
-no immediate foreseeable shortcut
-only by completions of many small and medium tasks and months years decades of hardworks & projects
-series of targets achieved eventually leads to goals achievements

-generally short term as compared to goals
-takes less tasks to achieve
-takes days or weeks or few months to achieve
-achieve multiple targets to achieve bigger goal

different kinds of goals & targets
-economy goals
-financial goals
-personal goals
-growth & self developments goals
-family goals
-social goals
-faith goals
-health goals
-materialistic goals

anything we want, can be goals

=== mindset change ===

mindset change
1) beliefs that we can
2) begin with the end in mind
3) long-term mindset

beliefs that we can
unless we believe we can,
then we can never achieve it

beliefs that we can achieve it
is the only thing
yang membolehkan kita maintain and consistent
waktu susah and waktu down
waktu rasa nak giveup and rasa nak quit

ask the right question
its not “can I or cant I?”
but ask “how can I?”

if we believe we cannot
then no need to try
we already fail

but if we believe we can
then try as hard as possible
and never quit no matter what happens
no matter how long it takes
no matter how hard it gets
no matter how impossible it seems

begin with the end in mind
dont start something until you have it finished

visualise what you want exactly
what would it look like
how would it feel
to already achieve it

begin with the end in mind
then reverse engineer the process
macamana nak capai
apa yang diperlukan
apa yang perlu dilakukan

long term mindset
jangan expect benda nie senang dan mudah
nothing worthy comes easy
true success takes sacrifice
takde benda boleh capai dalam masa singkat dan cepat
tanpa melalui proses yang betul
tanpa melalui failures and disappointments

bersedia untuk fail seribu kali
bersedia untuk work long hours
tanpa results
bersedia untuk buat for 20 years

bagi masa 20 years

many people overestimate what they can achieve in 2 years
and underestimate what they can achieve in 20 years

hari nie takde results pun takpe
because you tahu ada 20 years lagi untuk cuba
and as long as you maintain persistent
the “aha” moments will definitely come
and suddenly everything becomes easy
and everything menjadi

=== plans ===

what I need to do to achieve that goals
list tasks down

start with the goals or targets
buat reverse engineering
figure out what I need to do
to achieve the goals / targets

focus on things you can control
tasks you can perform
activities you can do
tasks you can execute

list tasks down
these are planning
breakdown large goals and targets
to small, achievable tasks

=== knowledges & skills ===

if tak dapat nak buat planning
tak dapat nak buat reverse engineering
taktahu apa nak buat
taktahu apa nak plan

ilmu tak cukup
knowledge deficiencies
skills lacking

then its time to study
study necessary knowledges and skills

study about the subjects first
study atleast 20 different resources
and make your own notes
the fastest way to learn new things
jot down everything you learn

fokus satu topik
study 20 different resources
if 20 resources pun inadequate
study 50 resources
or as many as you need
until you acquire the necessary knowledges

tak perlu risau pasal skills
awal2 knowledges dulu
skills will come by itself
lepas kita dah execute and take actions

once agak2 dah tahu apa perlu buat
apa tasks perlu execute
buat plans balik
what to do
what you need to do
what is needed
to achieve the goals / targets

=== tasks executions ===

yang nie paling susah
paling energy consuming
paling time consuming

tasks executions akan menentukan
executers and planners
leaders and laggards
success and non-success

ramai orang slack dalam loop of productivity
they think they are doing something
but what they actually are doing
stuck dalam planning
they plan, plan, plan but never do

motions vs actions

planning, planning, planning
setting goals and targets
listening to lectures and seminars
these are motions
nampak productive
but they wont bring you any closer
to your goals
if you dont have actions

are tasks executions
the hardest part of them all
motions is easy
actions are difficult

list down all tasks to do
ada yg kena buat repeatedly
ada yg kena buat sekali saja
repeating tasks & one-time tasks

buat list
repeating tasks
and one-time tasks

repeating tasks
are tasks you have to do again and again and again
boleh jadi daily, weekly, or monthly
senang cerita
good habits
that you need to perform consistently

one-time tasks
are tasks you need to do only once
and they are completed
usually followed by next one-time tasks

contoh repeating tasks
wakeup 5 am every morning
jalan kaki tiap pagi 30 minit
sedekah tiap hari
baca al mulk tiap sebelum tidor
baca buku 30 minit tiap hari
daily journaling 10 minit sblm tidor
buat notes psl stocks market 3 pages tiap hari
tidor awal 10 pm

contoh one-time tasks
projects lists
tasks lists
to do lists
apa nama sekalipun
termasuk dalam list nie

=== habits formations ===

untuk repeating tasks
wajib buat tiap hari
no matter what
no matter if you feel
like doing it or not

jaga2 dengan traps of motivations
when you feel motivated you do
when you feel down you dont

actions leads to motivations
motivations leads to more actions

bila rasa down
bila rasa malas
bila rasa letih
stop thinking
start doing
tak perlu tunggu motivations datang
buat terus
buat je dulu

actions leads to motivations
motivations leads to more actions

habits formations
1) choosing the habits to start
2) doing it consistently

start dengan easy habits
little habits
habits that can be done within 15 minutes
dont start with big and difficult habits

start dengan 2 new habits only maximum
target : consistent 10 days consecutively
formula : 10 + 2x
where x = days not done
and maximum number of x is 5

if done 10 days consecutively, zero not done
baru boleh add 1 more new habits

10 + 2x
if 1 day not done, must do 12 days
if 2 days not done, must do 14 days
if 3 days not done, must do 16 days
if 4 days not done, must do 18 days
if 5 days not done, must do 20 days

if more than 5 days not done
consider habits tu fail
check balik
either too hard, too big, or irrelevant
reduce the level, or change to other habits

if setel 10 + 2x
baru boleh add 1 more habits
and then another one, and another one

aim sebulan 2 new habits
pun dah cukup
setahun 24 new habits
you will be 24 times
more productive
than the day you start

habits yang dah successful 10 + 2x
wajib maintain consistent tiap hari
maximum 2 days neglect
jangan sampai 3 days not done

if 3 days consecutively not done
repeat balik the whole process from zero

this is how you form strong new habits

=== habits monitoring ===

habits kena monitor
especially new habits
yang belum strong and consistent

cara paling senang
buat table
tanda mana done and not done
buat tiap hari
review tiap hari

habits monitoring
easy but not simple
sebab many of us like to think
we are more productive than we actually are
we hate being loser
we hate being failure

wajib monitor
what you dont monitor
you cannot improve

=== prioritize, focus & concentrate ===


untuk repeating tasks
guna habits formations
and habits monitoring

untuk one-time tasks
guna prioritizations
and setting deadlines

pareto law
20% most important tasks
produces 80% of the results

80% of other tasks
only produce 20% of the results

focus kepada 20% tasks nie
delegate the other 80%

beri keutamaan pada certain tasks
not all tasks sama penting

classify tasks to 4
1 – urgent and important
2 – important but not urgent
3 – urgent but not important
4 – not urgent and not important

susun tasks ikut keutamaan
mana yang penting and perlu buat dahulu


focus one task at a time
dont multitask
dont keep changing tasks

when tasks change
brain lags
akan ambik masa nak gain momentum

focus one task
buat sampai siap

during this time
avoid all distractions


set time
brape lama nak focus tasks
and allow no distractions
during this time
whatever it is

prioritizations, focus and concentrations
not easy to do
kena practice
kena train
but kena do

=== setting deadlines ===

parkinson law
lagi banyak masa kita beri
untuk completion sesuatu tasks
semakin banyak masa diambil
untuk siapkan tasks tersebut

cara nak guna parkinson law
to our advantage
dengan limit time yang kita ada
untuk completion task tersebut

jangan biar task
tanpa deadline
set time limit
beri highest prioriti pada deadlines
wajib siapkan tasks tepat pada masanya

if projects besar
pecahkan kepada subtasks kecil2
beri deadlines for each
beri masa yang cukup and beri cushion
pada tasks tersebut

=== mindset siapkan tasks ===

jangan suka tukar2 tasks
jangan buat kerja separuh jalan
buat sampai siap

tasks yang separuh jalan
sama wasted
dengan tasks yang tak start langsung

once dah start
pastikan complete
tak kira berapa lama
duduk buat sampai siap
walaupun terlepas deadlines
set deadline baru
tight deadline

yang penting mesti siap
within deadlines baru

stayup late
burn midnight oil
sacrifice sleep
if you have to
untuk siapkan tasks

beri highest priority pada tasks completions
beri highest priority pada deadlines

keberjayaan kita
bergantung pada executions skills kita
if we dont execute
we will never get the results

ada 2 perkara yang penting kat sini
1) completions of tasks
2) speed of executions

kena combine tasks and deadlines

jangan sampai 1 task
ambik masa seminggu nak siap
beri 1 task
24 hours or 48 hours or 72 hours
ikut kesesuaian
tapi jangan terlalu lama
ingat parkinson law
lagi banyak masa kita beri
lagi banyak masa terbuang
set masa untuk siapkan tasks
secepat mungkin

in world where tasks are more than time
speed of executions are very important

=== self-accountability ===

monitor progress kita hari2
especially those yang neglected
especially those yang not done

means getting lots of
high output tasks done
high output means high priority tasks
important tasks
the 20% tasks
yang leads to 80% results

the more you get these tasks done
the more productive you are

the less you get these tasks done
the less productive you are

=== rewards & punishments ===

I found that
good habits are usually not done
because they dont have
immediate results

sama juga
bad habits are usually done
because they bring
instant pleasures

good habits and getting tasks done
ambik masa lama
nak show results and achievements
sebab tu body delay these things

bad habits and neglecting tasks
ambik masa lama
nak show results and impacts
to our body and financials
sebab tu body suka these things

to change this
kena create some system of
instant rewards and punishments

instant rewards
for tasks completions

instant punishments
for bad habits

untuk tasks completions
guna teknik
tempations bundling

temptations bundling
pairing one task you need to do
with one activity you want to do
anything that you love to do
movie, drama, makan, anything
anything at all
you want to do
you can do
dengan syarat, kena setelkan one task
or two three tasks first
nie temptations bundling
for tasks completions

for bad habits
or failure to perform good habits
guna instant punishments

wakeup late, denda RM XX
malas workouts, denda RM XX
eating junkfood / fastfood, denda RM XX

instant punishments
kena painful enough
and must be instant
tak boleh delay
delaying punishments
akan menghilangkan effect
and kena painful
so that we dont repeat it

=== summary ===

I think that’s about it
how to achieve success
and maximum productivity
summarized in 12 components
step 1 to 2 to 3 and more
makin bawah makin susah nak perform
but you have to
follow steps by steps


  1. seperti terngiang-ngiang Jim Rohn sedang berbicara. terima kasih Pak Ya sebab introduce Jim Rohn. Menjadi asbab saya tetap bermotivasi dalam belajar saham. menjadi rutin on the way to office setiap hari utk dengar Jim Rohn walau dah dgr byk kali

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